So let me begin by saying that I consider myself a Kringle authority. Having consumed them from every manufacturer of them in the State of Wisconsin since the 1970's. I've tried every maker of them out of Racine. I noted coming across Mike's Bake Shoppe on the internet and found it hard to believe they would potentially be the best or even different from others in Wisconsin. Well let me begin by saying that after receiving my first Kringle order of a Cherry and a Blueberry Cream Cheese Kringle my assessment is as follows.
* Texture. Simply in another league. O&H and Larson's can't even come close. It's denser and more flavorful. Most importantly as well is that Mike's uses BUTTER not the sick and annoying margarine which is a molecule away from being plastic. Sad that this day and age ANY credible baker would use such poison. So the flavor and texture is another league
* Filling. The cherrys were from Seacrest Farms in Door County famous for their cherries. And indeed you get entire cherries, not the tiny chopped up bits and pieces you'd get from O&H and others. The flavor is simply outstanding and the real deal, not chemically made up like the others and there's a LOT of it no skimping here.
* Frosting. Mike's frosting is most obviously handmade NOT out of some container like the others. It adds that sweet character which is not overwhelming. A perfect mix and once again genuine not fake like the others.
* Helping or Physical Size. It was immediately obvious that the physical helping or size of the Kringle was perhaps at least 30% larger then all other competition. So the value for it's price is undeniably superior.
In the end Mike's deserves the term as the FINEST Kringle available anywhere. I don't see anyone coming close let alone using the best ingredients without seed oils and crappy margarine and such. From now on it's MIke's or nothing for me.