Are you looking for a delicious and effective way to support your cause? Look no further than Uncle Mike's Kringle Fundraiser! Our irresistible Kringles are the perfect treat for your supporters and a fantastic way to boost your fundraising efforts. Uncle Mike's award-winning kringle is recognized as the best in North America! With a variety of flavors to choose from, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Plus, Kringle Fundraising offers high-profit margins and easy-to-use tools, making it simple for your group to reach its goals. Join countless other successful organizations and make your next fundraiser a sweet success with our Kringle Fundraising!
We provide two convenient sales options for you. You can take traditional orders and deliver kringle directly to buyers, or you can sell "coupons" redeemable at our stores, with no expiration date. Regardless of the method, you purchase each kringle from us for $18.25 and sell them for $23, earning a profit of $4.75 per kringle.
When opting for the traditional approach, fundraisers cannot be scheduled for pickup during the week or two before the holidays due to changing blackout dates determined yearly by our schedule. During November and December, fundraiser deliveries are not permitted due to high driver demand (pick-up is available). However, we can accommodate deliveries based on sufficient volume (usually over 500) in other months. Coupon fundraisers are flexible and can be conducted at any time of the year, with a maximum selling period of 15 days. Each organization is allowed to run one fundraiser per year.
To schedule a coupon fundraiser, click HERE.
To schedule a traditional fundraiser, click HERE.
For inquiries, please contact us via email at
Please note that all fundraisers must receive approval from one of our staff members via email before they can begin.
If you have a confirmed fundraiser, you can submit your order at the link below: